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A Closer Look at the Advantages of 401K Plans The fact is that we all need to save up for our retirements. Once you realize this, however, the question soon becomes, where should you be putting your money? For the majority of people, a 401K plan furnished by our employer is the answer. If you are looking into a 401K plan it would be good for you to know that they offer you a number of important advantages which is why they are so popular among employers. The fact is that, though many people have 401K plans, they do not even realize the advantages that having a 401K plan will offer you as opposed to other retirements plans. For this reason, throughout the rest of this article, we will look at some of the key ways in which 401K plans offer us advantages over other types of retirement plans. Above all, 401K plans give employees the chance to expand your weekly earnings. Through a 401K matching program, you are actually seeing increased earnings. By earning matching contributions from your employer, it is like getting a significant raise. How much of a raise is a 401K matching program, you may ask? Well, if you are contributing 3% of your salary to your 401K, then your company matching those funds is basically the same as receiving a 3% raise. For this reason, matching funds is one of the primary advantages of a 401K plan. Still another important advantage of 401K plans is the fact that they actually reduce the amount that you are liable to pay in taxes. When you file your taxes, the government actually allows you to take the amount that you have save in your 401K that year as a deduction. No matter how much you have saved in your 401K account, you never have to pay taxes on it until it is withdrawn.
Valuable Lessons I’ve Learned About Plans
Many people think that, if they leave the company that the money that the company contributed will be take from their 401K. This is not actually true. When you become fully vested in your company’s 401K plan, you are entitled to the entire amount. In fact, your employer will not be able to access the account at all. If you leave the company before you retire, you can roll your 401K into another company’s 401K program or place it into your own personal IRA account.
Valuable Lessons I’ve Learned About Plans
All you have to do if you are interested in learning more about 401K plans, including 401K plans for self employed, small businesses or low cost 401K plans for just about anyone, is visit the website of a financial planning company. To get started, all you have to do is search the Internet for 401K plans.