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Popular Medical Conditions that Veterans Encounter

Being a veteran is not that easy and even if they receive treatment after injuries, they still have wounds after the war has ended. To detect the condition early, you need to know the warning signs so that you can treat it. Read to learn some of the common medical conditions encountered by veterans today and the treatment options available for them.

One of the most popular medical conditions is a bacterial disease called brucellosis. It mostly affects animals like cattle and war veterans who consume unpasteurized dairy products are also affected in the process. The signs of brucellosis are high fever and sweating. The affected veteran also encounter hearing loss and some even get complete deafness. In case a veteran has such signs, they can use hearing aids or sign language.

Parkinson disease is also a common medical condition that affects veterans. The disease interferes with the neurons that help in motor control as well as affecting the functioning of the central nervous system. Veterans having Parkinson disease have difficulties when moving and may sometimes have tremors. The disease has several stages and is as a result of exposure to the agent orange.

The third popular medical condition is Hodgkin’s disease which is a type of cancer. The lymph system is the one that is attacked. You can know you have the disease when you have swollen or enlarged lymph node. You also get fever, sweat and feel fatigued. Veterans also are attacked by amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. It is hard to avoid the disease as there is no known cause and it is also difficult to manage it because no one knows the cure. Veterans with the disease mostly die. The effects of the disease are, difficulty walking, tripping, slurred speech, trouble swallowing, clumsiness and muscle cramps.

Prostate cancer is also another common medical condition in veterans. It is also as a result of exposure to the agent orange. Frequently urinating, having blood in urine, erectile dysfunction and pain when urinating are signs of prostate cancer. Lastly, post-traumatic stress disorder also is a common medical condition in veterans. The medical condition is common to everyone although to the veterans it is due to two main reasons. The negative impact of war and the other things they get to see affects their mental well-being. The second reason is the boot camps and training programs which are intense and are meant to harden them. Treatment is possible but it depends on the condition’s severity. It is now clear on some of the most common medical conditions in veterans.